JMC Specialist Medical Centre


JMC Specialist Medical Centre

Our Facilities

Better care starts with great environment.

Get in touch with us for any questions.


Offers comprehensive and compassionate healthcare services to our patients.
Our rooms are designed to be both minimalistic and welcoming, with clean lines and uncluttered spaces that provide a sense of calm and order.

Our rooms offer the comfort and convenience of having a loved one nearby while you receive care. Each bed is separated by curtains of privacy.

*Our hospital does not accept pre-booking of rooms, the actual room accorded to you will be subject to availability.

Deluxe Room (RM195 per night)

The ultimate in privacy and comfort with generous space and good lighting.

Single Room (RM145 per night)

Choosing a single room provides patients with the privacy they need to rest and recover in a peaceful environment.

2 Bedded (RM135 per night)

These rooms are ideal for those who prefer not to be alone when hospitalised.

3 Bedded (RM128 per night)

Our 3 bedded rooms are designed to be budget friendly yet retain comfort and privacy despite multiple occupancy.

4 Bedded (RM95 per night)

Our 4 bedded rooms are designed to be budget friendly yet retain comfort and privacy despite multiple occupancy.

Open Ward (RM65 per night)

Our 4 bedded rooms are designed to be budget friendly yet retain comfort and privacy despite multiple occupancy.


We strive and endeavour to serve our patients with the highest possible quality care.

We offer a professional and effiicient range of medical services, In addition to this, we have made every effort to include world-class facilities and comforts to cover patient and visitor needs while at JMC Specialist Medical Centre.

Single Room (RM145 per night)

Choosing a single room provides patients with the privacy they need to rest and recover in a peaceful environment.

2 Bedded (RM135 per night)

These rooms are ideal for those who prefer not to be alone when hospitalised.

3 Bedded (RM128 per night)

Our 3 bedded rooms are designed to be budget friendly yet retain comfort and privacy despite multiple occupancy.

4 Bedded (RM95 per night)

Our 4 bedded rooms are designed to be budget friendly yet retain comfort and privacy despite multiple occupancy.

Open Ward (RM65 per night)

Our 4 bedded rooms are designed to be budget friendly yet retain comfort and privacy despite multiple occupancy.